Campaign Responses

Every day, I receive dozens of campaign emails from constituents concerned about a huge variety of national issues. While individual constituency enquiries will be answered by email or letter, due to the vast increase in the volume of campaign emails now being generated, I can no longer guarantee replying to these individually and am therefore posting my responses on this section of my website.

Planning Policy Wales

Thank you for contacting me regarding Plaid’s motion to update Planning Policy Wales.

Factory chicken farming.

Thank you for writing to me concerning factory chicken farming.


I am aware of the legal challenge that was brought forward by River Action concerning pollution in the River Wye.


Endometriosis Action Month

Thank you for writing to me concerning Endometriosis Action Month.


My Welsh Conservative colleagues and I share your deep concern for the poor provision of care for endometriosis here in Wales.


Access to public toilets

Thank you for contacting me regarding the lack of provision of, and access to, public toilets. I completely agree with you about the importance of ensuring that everyone has access to appropriate toilet facilities. Public toilets are a key part of public health.

Crohn’s and Colitis

Thank you for contacting me about support for people living with Crohn’s and Colitis and to invite me to attend the Crohn’s and Colitis UK Awareness Week drop-in event in the Senedd.

Bovine TB

Bovine TB has been a scourge on Welsh agriculture for well over a decade, and successive Labour governments here in Wales have failed to get to grips with the disease.