Thank you for writing to me concerning blood cancer.
I fully sympathise with those affected by blood cancer in all its forms and recognise the profound impact such conditions have on the lives of individuals and their loved ones.
The action plan set out by Blood Cancer UK is welcome and highlights the major areas where serious improvement is needed, including the NHS workforce; early diagnosis initiatives; barriers to care and treatments through clinical trials and poor data collection practices.
I also note that recent research has shown that survival rates for these diseases can be impacted by socioeconomic factors, with those living in more affluent areas typically living significantly longer post-treatment than those worse off even when the patient care is being conducted by the same clinical teams and with access to the same treatments. It is therefore essential that the UK and Welsh Governments work to improve the opportunities for those from the most deprived backgrounds.
It is unacceptable that blood cancer survival rates in this country are not keeping up with the standards set elsewhere. This is why my Welsh Conservative colleagues and I will continue to advocate for the blood cancer community and push the Welsh Government to act on the recommendations and give the people of Wales the best possible chance of surviving blood cancer.
I thank you again for taking the time to contact me.