Thank you for writing to me concerning World Arthritis Day and waiting lists.
As you have outlined, the picture of waiting lists for life-changing orthopaedic services is an alarming one. Long-term conditions such as arthritis have a considerable impact on quality of life, and increasing numbers of people are set to experience it as Wales’ population continues to age.
In England, we have seen decisive action being taken by the UK Government on this issue, with £5.4 billion of funding committed to reduce the operations backlog and an increase to the number of surgical hubs.
It is clear that these unacceptable challenges faced by individuals on waiting lists in Wales cannot continue. This is why Welsh Conservatives are in favour of significant new efforts towards workforce planning for the Welsh NHS to increase capacity and boost efficiency, as well as the introduction of surgical hubs in Wales to help tackle waiting lists as effectively as they have in England.
My colleague, Russell George MS, will continue to hold the Welsh Government Minister to account over this issue.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact me.