Ten Asks for Trees campaign

Thank you for contacting me regarding the Ten Asks for Trees campaign.


The Welsh Government set a target of 43,000 hectares of woodland to be planted by 2030, with approximately 5,000 hectares needed to be planted a year for this target to be met. Disappointingly, only 580 hectares of new woodland was planted in 2021/22.


Whilst my colleagues and I encourage the planting of new woodland and recognise the importance of trees on farmland, it is vital that the Welsh Government takes a flexible approach under the Sustainable Farming Scheme. I share the unease by farmers that 10% of their land will have to be covered by trees, with this not possible for all farm types or locations. Further clarity is needed from the Welsh Government to understand if hedges will be included in the 10% figure.


I am concerned that there have been instances of Welsh Ministers purchasing good, productive agricultural land to plant trees. It is important the best agricultural land in Wales is used to produce food, through arable or livestock farming. Focus on tree planting should follow the ‘hedges and edges’ policy, rather than total afforestation or ‘greenwashing’ of agricultural land.


There is a balance to be achieved between tree planting and increasing our food security. This is no longer a binary choice but must be done in a way which continues to support our Welsh agricultural industry, which produces some of the world’s most environmentally sustainable food.  


Thank you again for taking the time to contact me.