Thank you for writing to me concerning the proposed legislation on Welsh language in education.
The Welsh Conservatives are in favour of strengthening the Welsh language and working towards the target of a million Welsh speakers by 2050, as set out in Cymraeg 2050. It is vital we ensure that Welsh children have a high quality of education, which sees the Welsh language as part of that broad education. As a bilingual nation, Wales should be able to offer high quality education in both Welsh and English.
To achieve these aims, the Welsh Government must do everything it can to bring in a far greater number of teachers who are capable of teaching through the medium of Welsh.
I thank you again for taking the time to contact me.
Kind regards,
Diolch am ysgrifennu ataf ynglŷn â'r ddeddfwriaeth arfaethedig ar y Gymraeg mewn addysg.
Mae'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig o blaid cryfhau'r Gymraeg a gweithio tuag at y targed o filiwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050, fel y nodir yn strategaeth Cymraeg 2050. Mae'n hollbwysig bod plant Cymru yn cael addysg o'r radd flaenaf, a'r Gymraeg yn rhan o'r addysg eang honno. Fel cenedl ddwyieithog, dylai Cymru allu cynnig addysg o safon uchel yn y Gymraeg a'r Saesneg.
Er mwyn cyflawni'r nodau hyn, rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru wneud popeth o fewn ei gallu i ddenu llawer mwy o athrawon i addysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.
Diolch eto am roi o'ch amser i gysylltu â mi.
Dymuniadau gorau,