Thank you for writing to me concerning neurodiversity training in Welsh schools.
As you know, neurodiversity is an umbrella that covers numerous distinct neurological differences, which is why it is necessary to ensure that our teachers are equipped to include and support learners with them and are not simply trained to employ a ‘one size fits all’ approach.
I am aware of various recent online petitions and articles on this issue, and fully appreciate the positive impact on neurodiverse learners that would come as a result of training teachers and teaching assistants in this area. Wales stands to benefit tremendously from an influx of more teachers and comprehensive teacher training, both of which would break down barriers for many learners and enrich their education experiences.
Welsh Conservatives support calls to implement compulsory neurodiversity training in Welsh schools, and will continue to push for the Welsh Government to increase their efforts to attract more people to the teaching profession in Wales in order to address the dire staffing shortage that is straining our school’s abilities to consistently deliver even core subject lessons at an adequate level.
I thank you again for taking the time to contact me.