Thank you for writing to me concerning the consultation on Natural Resources Wales’ proposed approach to the regulation of the release of gamebirds.
The NRW launched their 12-week public consultation on behalf of the Welsh Government on a proposed licensing system for the release of pheasants and red-legged patridges in Wales following concerns over potential environmental impacts, particularly for protected sites.
Significantly, they have asserted that this consultation is not on whether or not shooting live quarry should continue in Wales, but rather on further regulating the sector – but it is clear that this move would be intended to contribute to the Welsh Government’s ultimate aim of putting an end to game shooting in Wales for good.
Welsh Conservatives understand that many people have strongly held views on this matter. My colleagues and I want to see a vibrant, working countryside enhanced by a diverse environment in Wales and, as the game shooting sector contributes to this goal, we will not support a ban on the practise.
We acknowledge the exceptional benefits to biodiversity that come from management activities by the game shooting sector, and are well aware that those involved in it care deeply for the environments they are active in, as it is an integral part of their pastimes and livelihoods. For these reasons, my Welsh Conservative colleagues and I will continue to stand up for Wales’ rural communities in the face of this out of touch Labour government.
I thank you again for taking the time to contact me.