Thank you very much for taking the time to write to me about baby loss awareness.
I wholeheartedly agree that every woman and their baby should receive personalised, high quality care, and I understand that losing a much-loved and wanted child or having a sick or premature baby will ultimately take an emotional and physical toll on any parent.
While the Welsh Government promised to provide better outcomes for women and their families with, or at risk of, perinatal mental health problems through its mental health strategy, we believe that fundamental to the enhancement of perinatal services is fully understanding both need and staffing.
My colleagues and I have been very supportive of the Safe Staffing Levels (Wales) Act, which makes it mandatory for Health Boards to ensure safe levels of staffing for nurses across the NHS. Therefore, we have been deeply concerned about gaps in nursing and midwifery as we know that, in some cases, such as in Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, this can directly lead to serious harm to mothers and babies. There is also a distinct lack of data, and the real challenges of recruiting staff and providing professional development for staff is vital to overcome before the service is sustainable, efficient and effective.
We must also, as a matter of urgency, explore the expansion of psychological treatments, such as talking therapies, to ensure that parents can be signposted to support services at the earliest opportunity. My colleague, Russell George MS, the Shadow Minister for Health, is continuing to raise these issues directly with the Health Minister.
Thank you very much for taking the time to write to me.